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Elliot Saba

10 tips on how to build better binaries; you won't believe #8!

The old world of BinDeps.jl fades slowly into the long, dark sleep of forgotten heroes. From the deep places arises a new contender, strong and eager to lay to rest the complaints of the commonfolk. Songs of ancient deeds and whispers of arcane knowledge wend their ways around the terrible visage of BinaryBuilder.jl like a luminous crown, forcing all who lay eye upon it to tremble in a mixture of fear and awe. The age of terror has passed. A new world dawns. Building binary dependencies for the wide range of platforms that Julia supports is difficult; BinaryBuilder makes this easier for you. Come to this talk to learn about how we are solving this problem, and how you can use these tools to compile your C/C++/Fortran binary dependencies into tarballs for use in your Julia packages. We will start with a brief introduction to the internals of BinaryProvider and BinaryBuilder, then end with building a tarball for a binary dependency and installing it for a Julia package. By the end of this talk, you should be comfortable with using BinaryBuilder to build tarballs, and using BinaryProvider to install them within your own packages.

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