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Previous editions: 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
Jens Weibezahn

Joulia.jl -- A Large-scale Spatial Open-source Electricity Sector Model Package

In this paper, we develop a fully open-source bottom-up electricity sector model with high spatial resolution using the Julia programming environment, describing source code and data set. This large-scale model of the German electricity market includes both generation dispatch in the spot market as well as the physical transmission network, minimizing total system costs in a linear approach. It simulates the market on an hourly basis, taking into account demand, renewables infeed, storages, and exchanges with neighboring countries. Following an open-source approach, model code and used data set are being made fully publicly accessible and open-source solvers like ECOS and CLP are being used. The model is then being benchmarked regarding runtime of building and solving against a representation in GAMS as a commercial algebraic modeling language and against Gurobi, CPLEX, and Mosek as commercial solvers. With this paper we want to show the power and abilities as well as the beauty of open-source modeling systems, increasing transparency in policy advice, available free of charge to everyone and using the advatages of open data, open-source modeling, and open-access publications.

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