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Miguel Raz Guzmán Macedo


Lessons for beginner developers: Arbitrary order generalized OrthogonalPolynomials.jl in 100 lines of Julia

Getting started is hard. As of yet, there is no standard “Practices and principles of Software design in Julia” canonical reference. This talk seeks to add a resource to beginner steps STEM people face when starting with package development in design. Yes, our manuals state explicitly how different functions work by themselves, but composing simple behaviors to build a tool and solve a problem is a rich and complex design space where no obvious answers exist. Adventurous early adopters haven’t necessarily slogged in this phase due to prior experience in other languages, but a repertoire of incremental handheld software design practices and principles is welcome. This is where I find OrthogonalPolynomials.jl exciting. In a terse ~100 lines of code, one can produce arbitray order generalized canonical orthogonal polynomials that have a myriad of applications in numerical computing. This means that a vast amount of functionality can be obtained with very little Julia code through the simple use of multiple dispatch a little metaprogramming, and generated functions. So OK, you can build a Julia package that has stellar functionality. This is not new - what is new is to produce documentation of the entirety of the design process in curated Youtube Videos and livestreams to answer questions about the increasing simplifications and tradeoffs of the design, and extending the conversation to the viewership is where I believe the added value for the Julia Community in this talk lies.

Speaker's bio

I am a Mexican physics student interested in the overlap of HPC and physics with the use of Julia. I participated in competitive debating in HS and university, landed handstands all around the world and am a wannabe polyglot. I enjoy climbing, reading long form foreign policy analysis, and building communities to care for those most vulnerable. If you see my tweets, I’ve probably added you to the ever-growing list of Julia tweeters, and if you see my posts on Discourse, you will have probably seen my push for a growing resource for Spanish speakers diving into Julia. To wanna see what I’m about, feel free to drop into my stream for some casual programming riffing on the speedrunning videogame community online. (Although its probs best to wait until school is over.) God bless summer!