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Adrian Salceanu

Tame your databases: SearchLight ORM

SearchLight is an Object Relational Mapping layer for Julia. It exposes a concise but powerful API for database querying and persistence by simply manipulating Julia objects – while also packing a versatile DSL for database migrations, and a robust helper for data validation. It can future-proof your code with its transparent support for multiple backends (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC and JDBC) while implementing best practices with automatic user input escaping, support for environments, file generators, database seeding, logging and more. SearchLight models are nothing but Plain Julia Objects so they can augment your existing codebase. Or they can be the foundation for building your next data-centric applications: SearchLight promotes a streamlined workflow through convention over configuration and handy generators. It can also considerably reduce development time with its large set of built-in types and the wide support for CRUD operations. And if you need more control, you can always get down to the metal and run raw SQL queries or retrieve the underlying DataFrame results, through SearchLight’s lower level API. Join me on a quick tour of the main features and learn how to use SearchLight to tame your databases!

Speaker's bio

Seasoned web developer on a quest to reinvent web development through Julia. Creator of Genie, the highly productive Julia web framework. Author of “Julia v1 By Example”.