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Previous editions: 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
Helen Jiang

San Francisco Bay Area

Hacking with Julia

To break cryptography is to solve mathematical puzzles, so Julia is perfect for the mission of attacking crypto. With this new use case, I would like to share what I discovered about Julia’s advantages and limitations. This includes: what are the kinds of crypto-puzzle-solving that Julia is best suited for? How is Julia used in building up these attacks? How would Julia be used for further cryptanalysis? Some well-known but hard-to-get-right attacks I plan to share may include: block cipher cryptography (CBC) bitflipping attack, breaking fixed-nonce CBC in CTR mode, attacking a popular random number generator (RNG), breaking fixed-nonce XOR, and breaking stream cipher from a RNG. Want to see Julia in the wild in real-world hacking? Curious about how Julia functions in this not-so-common use case? This talk may be just right for you.

Speaker's bio

Helen does research and development at the intersection of cybersecurity and machine learning, solving problems and building solutions. Because she is not good at writing her own bio, she welcomes you to ask her in person about her stories, learnings, research, experiences, and evolution.