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Weijian Zhang

The University of Manchester

EvolvingGraphs.jl: Working with Time-dependent Networks in Julia

In this talk, we present EvolvingGraphs.jl, a Julia software package for working with time-dependent networks. Many modern real-world networks are time dependent. Consider a group of online users interacting through messaging. Each message sent from user A to user B at time stamp t can be represented as an edge from A to B at time stamp t in an evolving graph. Ignoring the direction of time in a network flow can result in wrong information. However, it is difficult for researchers to model and study the evolving nature of such networks using traditional graph software package. EvolvingGraphs.jl is designed to meet this need. The source code is available at: We discuss the structure of EvolvingGraphs.jl and demonstrate a real life use case: tracing the development of ideas in research literature.

Speaker's bio

I am a fourth year PhD student in Numerical Analysis at the University of Manchester and I was a visiting student at MIT Julia Lab. I am the creator of EvolvingGraphs.jl ( and MatrixDepot.jl (