Videos from JuliaCon are now available online
Previous editions: 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
Scott Jones

Gandalf Software, Inc.

Enhanced String handling in Julia

JuliaString is a new organization, formed with the goal of creating an ecosystem of standards compliant, fast, and easy to use string handling packages. Many people using Julia are scientists, and don’t really wish to deal with the complexities with things like indexing into variable-length string encodings, why their data loaded from a CSV file or from a database sometimes seem to be corrupted. There are also people interesting in writing Julia code for NLP (natural language processing), where the speed can be critical. Many fields such as bioinformatics have their own text file formats, and the new Strs package provides easier to use functions for writing fast string handling code. The talk will cover the added functionality of the Strs package, the importance of having validated strings for avoiding a number of known security exploits, the relative performance of the new strings, and its use for interfacing with other languages, databases, and libraries that frequently use other Unicode encodings, such as UTF-16. It will also cover the string literal format, with support for LaTeX, Unicode, HTML entities and Emojis, as well as easy to use formatted output that builds upon string interpolation, using the Julia type system, or alternatively using a C-like or Python-like format code syntax (but without having to count positions, or use a macro. Other topics such as thread-safe regex support, handling non-Unicode string encodings, optimized dictionaries for string keys, will be discussed, time permitting.

Speaker's bio

Consulting for, working fulltime in Julia