Videos from JuliaCon are now available online
Previous editions: 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
Niklas Korsbo

Cambridge University

Latexify.jl and how Julia's metaprogramming makes it useful.

In this talk, I will both introduce Latexify.jl and explain how Julia enabled the creation of this package in a way that few other languages could. Latexify.jl allows you to convert Julia objects, and even equations, to LaTeX and Markdown. While Latexify.jl is useful for typesetting a matrix to a latex array, its practical value extends far beyond that. In this talk, I will: - describe how Julia’s metaprogramming facilities allows for not only create clever ways of inputting information to our programs, but also for extracting that information; - demonstrate how Latexify.jl uses this to latexify and render things ranging from strings to systems of differential equations and symbolically calculated Jacobians; - showcase how this has become an addictive and ubiquitous part of my work as an applied mathematician; and finally, I will reflect upon how the Julia features that allowed the making of Latexify.jl could be leveraged for other things.

Speaker's bio

I am the author of Latexify.jl, a member of the JuliaDiffEq organisation and a PhD student of applied mathematics at Cambridge University. I started tinkering with Julia a few years ago and I have for the last year and a half done almost all my work with Julia. I dabble in computational biology, non-linear dynamics, programming and occasionally beer brewing.