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James Fairbanks


The JuliaGraphs ecosystem: build fast -- don’t break things

Many areas of technical computing use graphs or networks and LightGraphs provides a common base of data structures and algorithm to manipulate and analyze these graphs. The JuliaGraphs ecosystem is evolving integrations with many other Domain ecosystems such as Optimization, Biology, Image Processing, and Statistics and 127 distinct packages. The JuliaGraphs ecosystem has expanded this year, with new innovations in abstract representations and modularity. We discuss these improvements, highlighting the effects of changes in Julia 0.6 and 0.7 such as Type System / Type Parameters, Traits, Module dependencies, Threading and Atomics which affected the design of the JuliaGraphs ecosystem. We will present developments in the JuliaGraphs community and celebrate the 1.0 release.

Speaker's bio

Mathieu Besançon is a PhD student in a double program between Ecole Polytechnique of Montréal, at the GERAD lab and the INOCS team at INRIA Lille, in mathematical optimization and game theory for smart grids. James Fairbanks earned a Ph.D in Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech. My research focuses on numerical, statistical, and streaming algorithms for data analysis. The applications include complex networks, online media, medical data, and sensor data.