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Memories of Juliacon past


Juliacon moved online in 2020, and so we could not arrange the traditional group photo. We did however ask our attendees to upload a photo of the place they were joining from. Here is a collage, representing our global audience.

places of juliacon


The number of our attendees grew enough that we had to hire a drone to take the photo. Here we are in sunny Baltimore.

juliacon 2019 group photo in Baltimore


Juliacon moved to Europe for the first time. Here we are at the front quad of the University College, London.

juliacon 2018 group photo in London


Juliacon moved west, to the University of California, Berkeley.

juliacon 2017 group photo in Berkely, California


We continued at MIT for another year, with a growing audience.

juliacon 2016 group photo at MIT


With increasing interest, Juliacon was held at MIT, the home of Julia. Here we are, with the angles of the Ghery's Stata Center behind us.

juliaccon 2015 group photo at MIT


The first Juliacon was held in Chicago, where nearly 80 early adopters came together to talk about this then new programming language. The rest is history!