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The JuliaCon 2021 posters will be presented as part of a poster session which will happen synchronously on: July 30th from 16:30–18:00 UTC. You can find a calendar invite for the session here: JuliaCon Poster Session on Pretalx

The poster session will be held on Gathertown. Make sure to register in advance to get access to the session for Q/A and live interaction.

The following posters will be presented at JuliaCon2021:

5. GerryChain.jl: detecting gerrymandering with Markov chains

Parker J. Rule, Bhushan Suwal, Matthew Sun

15. HssMatrices.jl

Boris Bonev

44. Reproducibility, Julia, and Renku

Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan Gavin Lee

48. Early adopters jumping the adoption chasm in a company

Jorge Alberto Vieyra Salas, Evangelos Paradas

80. View5D.jl

Rainer Heintzmann