Previously: 2023/2022/2021/2020/2019/2018/2017/2016/2015/2014

JuliaCon Global 2025 and JuliaCon Locals Call for Hosts

The JuliaCon Executive Committee will consider proposals to host JuliaCon Global 2025 as well as JuliaCon Local(s) over the next 1-2 years. Following the usual JuliaCon Global rotation of locations (alternating between the Americas and Europe), JuliaCon 2025 is planned to be held in the US or the broader Americas, however proposals for alternate locations may still be selected.

JuliaCon Locals may be proposed for any location in the globe and for any time of year (except the month of July). Proposals must be from active researchers or other community members, not from a conference management entity. Proposers should have had previous JuliaCon experience (for example, participation in the conference, volunteering at the conference including serving on the program committee, etc.). Selected proposals will be asked to submit further details and will be advised in its preparation.

Proposals should be brief (2 to four pages) and should contain information on:

Proposals should be emailed to raye@julialang.org


The executive committee appoints the program chair(s), finance chair(s), sponsorship chair(s), proceedings chair(s) and DEI chair(s) and other committee positions for JuliaCon 2025. The local committee is typically responsible for:

For JuliaCon Global the global committee is typically responsible for:

The local committee is free to determine the extent of its involvement in these global committee responsibilities.

In the case of a JuliCon Local all responsibilities listed above are typically assumed by the local committee except for finance which is shared between the global finance chair and the local finance chair.***

Evaluation Criteria

The proposal may include, as appendices, brochures or other printed material concerning the locale and conference facilities, if these are available. For JuliaCon Global 2025 the global committee will negotiate with proposed hotel venues directly, if the venue is a university or similar entity the local chairs may be involved in this negotiation. For JuliaCon Local(s) the local committee must still submit these documents but will handle negotiations. The proposal will be evaluated using the following criteria:

JuliaCon is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, in all of its activities, and aims to recruit volunteers representative of the diversity of the Julia community as well as the broader software development and research communities.

For more information please contact raye@julialang.org