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Previously: 2023/2022/2021/2020/2019/2018/2017/2016/2015/2014

Aerospace Minisymposium

Aerospace engineering and science stand at the vanguard of technological progress, where precision, efficiency, and the scalability of computational tools play pivotal roles. The advent of the New Space era, characterized by a surge in small-scale spacecraft and missions, has disrupted the traditional rigidity of the aerospace industry. This new landscape prioritizes performance, flexibility, and rapid iteration in modeling and mission design.

Amidst these evolving dynamics, Julia emerges as an increasingly preferred solution for complex aerospace challenges, owing to its high-performance capabilities and user-friendly nature. Our minisymposium is conceived to spotlight Julia's applications in aerospace, fostering a vibrant forum for enthusiasts and experts alike. This event aims to catalyze collaboration, and advocate for Julia's broader adoption in aerospace circles.

Participants will be treated to insightful presentations, each delving into Julia's practical and theoretical applications in solving real-world aerospace problems. We welcome contributions from all sectors—academic, industrial, and governmental—that demonstrate Julia's impact and potential in aerospace endeavors.

Beyond the presentations, the minisymposium will feature a panel discussion, designed to encourage lively exchanges among attendees. This segment presents a unique opportunity to engage in dialogues about current trends, emerging challenges, and future trajectories of Julia in aerospace applications. Our objective is to nurture a collaborative milieu, where shared experiences and ideas might crystallize into initiatives and partnerships within the Julia community.

Proposals are invited from both newcomers to Julia and seasoned practitioners in the aerospace sector. Through this minisymposium, we aspire not only to showcase Julia's current contributions but also, primarily, to amplify its role in driving forward aerospace technology and research.