The conference is over! Check the recorded live-streams on YouTube!
Previously: 2023/2022/2021/2020/2019/2018/2017/2016/2015/2014

Sign Up!

Join us in making JuliaCon 2024 a success! We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to assist with various tasks, from registration to session support. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, gain valuable experience, and meet like-minded people. Sign up today and be part of the team that brings this incredible event to life!

Sign up to become a volunteer!

On the day volunteers

JuliaCon volunteers are the backbone of our conference and without people like you, we would not be able to make JuliaCon the success it is!

👷 Example volunteer duties:

Please note: we are asking that you devote about 50% of your time at the conference helping with any of the tasks that need to be done.

Mentors to new speakers

JuliaCon 2024 will match first-time JuliaCon speakers desiring guidance to experienced speakers willing to mentor. We are expecting a time commitment of maximally a few hours in which mentors will provide feedback on a novice speaker's presentation.

Please let us know if you would like to be mentored or if you are willing to mentor a first-time speaker for JuliaCon 2024!

Proceedings reviewers

JuliaCon offers proceedings, and we need reviewers to assess submissions. Our review process is similar to that of the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS). You can register as reviewer by filling this form. More information about JuliaCon proceedings can be found here.

JuliaCon 2024 Organizing Committee

The JuliaCon committee is composed entirely of volunteer organizers and can be reached at with any questions or comments.

Katharine Hyatt
Program co-Chair Twitter

Luca Ferranti
Program co-Chair GitHub

Mark Kittisopikul
Finance Chair Twitter

Skylar Gering
Diversity and Accessibility co-Chair GitHub

Valentin Churavy
Diversity and Accessibility co-Chair GitHub

Gareth Thomas
Local Chair LinkedIn

Carsten Bauer
Proceedings Chair GitHub

Jorge Vieyra
Local organizer LinkedIn

Max van Dijk
Local organizer LinkedIn

Erwin Hoogerwoord
Local organizer & Workshops LinkedIn

Dmitry Bagaev
Local organizer & Web LinkedIn

Xiu-zhe (Roger) Luo
Diversity and Accessibility GitHub

Long Chen
Diversity and Accessibility LinkedIn

Proceedings Committee

Joining the Committee

Each year, the previous years JuliaCon committee is usually asked to return. If certain members are no longer able to continue in their role, the existing committee members will work to find a replacement. JuliaCon committee members are generally folks who have been long term contributors to the community or made significant contributors in recent years. Generally, the JuliaCon Chair/co-chair's lead the effort to recruit committee members.

The committee is also open to nominations (you can nominate yourself) for vacant positions or positions that do not exist but you think would provide value to the conference. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed by the current committee as needed. While many current committee members have been long term Julia contributors, this is not a hard requirement. Being a long term member of the community comes with its blind spots, so if there is a unique angle you believe your nominee (including yourself) brings to the table, we would love to hear more!

Here is the Nomination form.